innovation through knowledge

Mind Vases

Mind Vases

Is there a way to design objects only by using brain waves? This experiment by Mirai Innovation Labs and Studio José de la O toys with the idea that in a near future, sophisticated digital interfaces could empower people who don’t need technical skills to design. Learning a specific craft, a 3D software, or even sketching, could not longer be necessary to design and produce every-day life objects.

This also questions the future roll of a designer, who today might be seen as a gatekeeper for what would and what would not be produced and used, as Design follows specific comercial agendas and imposed aesthetics. Are designers becoming obsolete? Or would they evolve into becoming the ones designing these mind-reading design platforms?

By using generative design software, the team at Studio José de la O designed what it would seem a very basic (perhaps a bit dull) vase, when normally, generative design software is used to design very intricate shapes. The dullness of the object would motivate a user to modified it through sending brain signals scanned by Aura, a devise that monitors different sets of biosignlas from the brain, including electro-encephalograms.

For this experiments, two participants where selected with no experience in product design and visualization of their brain signals and the control of functions through these signals through a brain-machine interface.


The experiment took place in a room where the participants, sitting comfortably on a chair and facing directly into a projection of the vase, could be separated from external distractions that may cause interference in controlling their thoughts. In the back, an operator can monitor the subject’s brain biosignals through the Aura cap, into a computer.

The subjects where able to modify a pre-existing 3d model of a vase by incrementing (by relaxing) or decreasing (concentrating), the size of different aspects of the vase like hight, diameter and so on.

After the vase is ready, the 3D file is sent to a 3D printer.

The “Default” Vase.

The “Default” Vase.

Client: Mirai Innovations

Creative Direction: José de la O

Product Design: Diana Delgado, Andrea de la Peña & José de la O.

Production: Diana Delgado, Andrea de la Peña & José de la O.

Photography: Andrea de la Peña & José de la O.