innovation through knowledge

Ahorita Digital Clock

Ahorita Digital Clock

The Ahorita Digital Clock emerges as the revolutionary successor to the Ahorita Clock, ingeniously crafted to mirror the unique Mexican philosophy of time. Our nation's history, marred by colonial legacies, has bred a collective consciousness that views time not as a linear path to be strictly adhered to but as a fluid, expansive space. This perspective, deeply rooted in an attitude of defiance against the rigidity imposed by authority, allows us to navigate life's demands with an artful dodge of unwanted responsibilities.

Roger Bartra insightfully articulates this phenomenon, suggesting that we, as Mexicans, "make crumbs out of time" to evade its control and the commitments it symbolizes. Time, in the traditional sense, signifies obligation—an idea that many of us approach with a palpable sense of dread. In response, the Ahorita Digital Clock is designed not just to keep time but to redefine it, embracing the ambiguity with which we are most at ease. It deliberately stretches the concept of the imminent, allowing us to savor the present moment, unhurried by the future's demands.

This timepiece is not merely an instrument of measurement; it is a bold declaration of our cultural identity, crafted to resonate with those who share our nuanced understanding of time. With its innovative design, the Ahorita Digital Clock invites users to experience time as a flexible entity, enhancing our enjoyment of the now without the looming pressure of what lies ahead.

Produced exclusively for the DECODE GROUP SHOW: RELOJES, only two Ahorita Digital Clocks have been created for auction, making them not only a testament to our cultural ethos but also a rare artifact of our time. These clocks stand as a symbol of our collective resistance to conformity, a reminder that in our hands, time can be molded to reflect the true essence of the Mexican spirit.


Creative Direction: José de la O

Product Design Team: Adriana Gutierrez, Sofia Mendoza, José de la O.

Images: delaO design studio