innovation through knowledge


Francis Planter for Los Patrones

According to recent studies, living surrounded by nature has an extremely positive effect on people. No matter if they are urban environments, if there are elements of nature as plants, it makes people happier, consume less and are kinder. We present the Francis Collection, the most recent collaboration with Los Patrones, a set of planters designed to bring nature to urban environments. The design takes as starting point the traditional Mexican wire rod flowerpots, updating its proportions, aesthetics and materials. As one observes the apparent simple design of the object, a halftone effect emerges as the multi-perforated material dialogues with the solid color of the inner container, creating color dynamism in this collection. The Francis Collection is conceived to interact with the urban space, both interior and exterior and bring the benefits of nature into the people's spaces.

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Client:  Los Patrones.

Concept: José de la O.

Research: Judit Paréz, Montserrat Pasos & José de la O.

Product Design: Judit Parés, Diana Soto Vega, Montserrat Pasos, José de la O (in collaboration with Adrián Marfil from Los Patrónes).

Illustrations & Renders: Diana SotoMontserrat Pasos & Sander Verbeek.

Photography: Montserrat Pasos & Sander Verbeek